Fissure Sealants
Have you ever looked in the mirror at your molar or back teeth? Go on, take a look now. Depending on your dental history, you’ll either see fine grooves running across the biting surface of your lower molars, or if you have been unlucky enough, you will have fillings in these areas already.
Often adults will see silver or black amalgam fillings on the grooves of their molars. The grooves are an area particularly prone to decay simply due to their shape. When today’s adults were children, once decay was spotted in these areas, the tooth was cut and restored. Prevention was not an option.
Nowadays however, prevention is available. Rather than waiting for the onset of decay, whilst the molars are still healthy, the grooves are sealed with a tooth coloured material to prevent bacterial infection of these areas. These are called Fissure Sealants. We recommend them on the 6 year old molars and 12 year old molars in children.
They are pain free, drill free and needle free. At PCAT Dental, we believe prevention is better than cure!